Friday, July 2, 2010

Get It While It's Hot! $50 Gift Certificate Drawing


For every order placed in July (retroactive July 1) I'll toss your name in a hat for a $50 gift certificate drawing to be held on August 1st. If you post your purchase in the GET IT WHILE IT'S HOT thread in the Blue Mountain Handcrafts Raverly group I'll toss your name in the hat TWICE!!
Well, it's almost 4th of July. Where did June go?? Eric and the kids are taking a van load of aluminum cans to the recycling center to trade in for cash for fireworks. My guys are fire bugs and love to see things explode.........if it's pretty so much the better. We did some yard work yesterday and weeded the garden beds. I actually found the tomatoe plants and they had tomatoes on them so we staked them up, hopefully the deer won't eat them. Alex is getting excited about his birthday and has been invited to go with a friend to Hershey Park in a couple of weeks so we'll have to think of something special to do with Katie. There's pretty much the same madness going on here as always.............I've got to many knitting projects going at once, Alex is making huge progress on a story he is writing and talking ALOT on the phone, Katie is now talking on the phone with a friend and has a new pen pal that she is enjoying immensley, and Eric, bless his heart, is desperately trying to keep up with tool orders and walks around in a cloud of sawdust most of the time. I will say, when the kids are home for the summer the house is alot cleaner.........I love child labor ;)

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